Retire in Arizona or Florida? Real World Example
You never know where life will take you and how you will get there but my job, and some divine intervention gave my wife and I an adventure we could have only imagined. My job has brought about some amazing opportunities, including: Working on some cool...
Should You Worry About Tariffs?
Will Tariffs Cause a Recession? Maybe, maybe not. We don't know. Oddly, we did have a recession under Sniffy Joe which wasn't caused by tariffs and yet no one wants to talk about that one. It wasn't a "real" recession, we're told. What? Recessions have always and...
Trump’s Proposal to Eliminate Social Security Tax is a BIG DEAL for Seniors !!!
By: Bill Brettner BACKGROUND: There is a proposal to eliminate taxeson Social Security Benefits in 2025. The typical savings for a "single filer" would be $5,500.00 in 2025. A typical "married filer" would save $9300.00 in...
What Happens When Retirement Misconceptions Fall Away
Good afternoon, Josh, I know you prefer shorter emails, but here goes anyway. In case you don't remember me, we had a planning session on July 1, 2023. At that time, I had bought into the prevalent opinions of most retirement "experts." I...
Trump’s Social Security Tax Proposal
Have You Seen This Video? This is where I break down the benefit of the Trump proposal to end taxes on Social Security. In an odd turn of events, many of my fellow travelers on the right for some reason think this is a bad plan. I don't get it. I thought...
This is Big…for Me
May 25, 1997 was the last time I ever drank alcohol. And while many of you might be saying "what's the big deal?" well for me it's huge because there is no way on God's green earth, I'd be here if it weren't for this day Now, that doesn't mean I'd be dead or...
Choosing the Right Benchmark for Your Retirement Asset Investments
By: Amar Shah, CFA, CFP®, How can you best benchmark your retirement investments? Investment planning for retirement is a complex process that requires careful financial decision-making. A crucial part of this process is assessing whether your...
The Golden Age of Retirement, Eh?
Once again, and I'm gonna hammer this until I die, the idea there is a RETIREMENT CRISIS today relative to the old days is based on one of two things. 1. Complete ignorance of the past and laziness2. a lie As for #1, academics who study this stuff, economists,...
The REALITY Of Pension Plans
Oh, for the good ole days when EVERYONE had a pension! "As on 1932, only 15% of American workers were potentially covered under pension plan and perhaps 5 percent of those who needed benefits were actually receiving payment. The corporate systems seldom provided...
There Has NEVER Been A Better Time To Retire
Don't Believe Me? Watch This Video My man talks about a former colleague who died 5 years into retirement. His wife had died BEFORE he retired so he never got to spend any retirement time with her. Oh, and by the way, he had not one, but TWO...