
Retirees Going Bankrupt!

I hope you saw this video I posted this morning.  The title is "This Proves Retirees Are Going Bankrupt". When you watch it you'll see that there is absolutely no evidence at all that retirees are going bankrupt.  So why do I use a misleading...


Government Spending Does NOT Cause Inflation

Have I Lost My Mind? Everyone knows that government spending causes inflation, right? Printing press goes whirrr and stuff.  As a reformed Friedmanite, I'd like to challenge your thinking on this. What evidence do you have to prove this is true? What evidence...


Debunking Charles Schwab

UGH! So here I was, just minding my own business when I get an email from Charles Schwab referring me to their article "4 Retirement Rules of Thumb Explained".Now, be advised, I like Charles Schwab. Most of my portfolio is there. In fact, Charles Schwab,...


Will This Be You Next Time?

Will This Be You Next Time?"No power since the storm this afternoon.  Generac would be nice about now.. lol.  Tomorrow it will be 90 degrees and another bunch of bad storms coming in possibly Friday and Saturday nights.  Cannot wait. Hoping I...
