Josh Scandlen
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Practitioner and holds a Master’s of Science degree in Personal Financial Planning.
“I know that there is nothing better for men than to rejoice and do good while they live” – Ecclesiastes 3:12
You weren’t put on this world to sit in an hour of traffic in order to slave away at a cubicle for 8 hours only to sit in another hour of traffic to get home to your family!
You’ve got bigger things to accomplish!
To use your talents in a way that gets you fired up, motivated and ready to take on the world.
Oh, I can hear you now. “Easy for you to say, Josh. But I’ve got a mortgage. I’ve got this to pay for. I’ve got that…”
Interesting. But how do you know it still can’t be done? Because some online tool? Because some ‘advisor’, who gets paid by managing YOUR money, says you need 8 times salary to retire? Because health care costs could bankrupt you?
Where is the evidence that these things are true???
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a different viewpoint, from someone who doesn’t get paid to sell you stuff. Maybe, just maybe, TODAY is the day to plan on living the life you were meant to.
Blessings to you!
Josh Scandlen
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