Federal Retirees and Medicare Part B
Got this email in response to a video I did on health insurance and Obamacre. Very interesting topic for many folks so I asked if I could share it. He said absolutely. So, if you're a soon-to-be retiree from the Federal Government you'll definitely want to read...
If Social Security Is On Your Mind, This is a MUST!
Devin Carroll's New Social Security Course You all know Devin Carroll, right? If not and Social Security is part of your retirement plan, you NEED to know this guy. I've been a big fan (First Time/Long Time) of Devin's for years now and have learned a...
VTINX (Vanguard Target Retirement Income) vs. VWINX (Vanguard Wellesley)
You’d like to get some income off your portfolio, be it in retirement or otherwise. You are also a fan of Vanguard. So, you’re sitting around looking at two funds that seem appealing, the Vanguard Target Retirement Income Fund (VTINX) and the Vanguard...
I CAN’T AFFORD TO RETIRE: A Letter to Federal Law Enforcement (Part 1)
Chris Barfield, CPA Financial Investigator, U.S. Marshals I hear this refrain all the time–“I can’t afford to retire!” Sometimes it’s phrased a little differently: “Where am I going to go and make this same amount of money?” Or, maybe...
The Best Financial Planning Spreadsheets…Ever!
At Least 10 Times a Week... ...I receive emails asking to provide access to my crappy, Social Security spreadsheets. The emails are so many I don't even respond anymore, which I feel guilty about. I also receive many other people's spreadsheets for me...
Vanguard Dividend Growth Vs. Vanguard Wellington Fund Vs. S&P 500
VDIGX Re-opens The news that the Vanguard Dividend Growth Fund(VDIGX) re-opened to new investors escaped me until subscribers on my Youtube channel mentioned it. Generally, I’m an index type-of-guy but I do appreciate a well-run, low-cost, actively-managed fund...
Tony Robbins is WRONG On Investment Fees!
Tony Robbins has helped countless people get their lives in order. I have nothing but respect for the work he’s done in that regard. However, when he talks about investment fees he is absolutely, 100% wrong. But not in the way you may think....