Blog Post

Worried About Your Job? Here’s What To Do

Man, I don't know about you but I'm feeling a major decline in the economy.  Hearing from folks all over who got laid off and weren't expecting it. You can see it too in the Personal Consumption Expenditures the Fed reports. It's in the NEGATIVE...

Why Am I Still Working?

I plan on retiring next December so this past weekend I sat down to look over my numbers. I was shocked at what I found out.         I currently bring home $890/wk after all deductions and taxes which is $46280/yr. Once I retire, I am thinking I’ll need about...

Health Insurance Before Medicare

“My wife is so stressed at her job but she can’t quit because of health insurance.” Oh man, if I had a nickel every time I was told something like this, I’d have a million nickels! 🙂 Look, as much as I didn’t like Obama as President, and certainly don’t like Nancy...

Jim and Pam’s Investing Plan For Retirement

It's Jim and Pam from cold (Northern State) here. We hope all is well with you and your family.  After speaking with you in late August, we both decided to retire in early October.  It's amazing how much less stressful life has become. It's great not...

I Was Making 6 Figures & I QUIT, at 58!

(From a regulard reader/viewer in California) Hi Josh, I quit my COJ on September 1 after 31 years at my 6 figure job + bonus. We live in California, I'm 58 and my husband is 61. We are paying $1,700 a month for cobra until the end of the year. The plan is to live off...

My Experience With Medicare Advantage

----------------------------------------- A viewer sent me this email in regards to his own experience with Medicare Advantage plans. I am not endorsing these plans or not endorsing. I’m completely agnostic. However, for those of you who were thinking MA plans are...

I Get Paid For This???

Be Like Jimmy! One of the benefits of my line of work is that I see, with my own very eyes, what works and what doesn't when it comes to retirement planning.  I've been doing this since 1998 and I've worked with THOUSANDS of people over the course of my career. It...

Just Reporting Back Regarding My Retirement

(A client sends this in and with his permission I am sharing it here)  I feel so free!  It's like my life is now my own! I am so grateful to you for the two zoom meetings regarding my retirement finances as well as your videos on youtube that I watch...

Prepare to Live to 120 Says Ric Edelman. Really???

Ric Edelman is one of the good guys in financial planning/investment management. He comes across a bit arrogant in some regards, but that doesn't bother me so much given what he has done for average Americans in their financial planning. However, Ric has drank the...

How Mark & Jane Retired at 58 And Got Health Insurance

Hey Josh, We had our meeting in May where we discussed our financial plan.  One of the last things we discussed was health insurance (not something that I had planned on asking about but you brought it up). My wife, Jane, was on COBRA after retiring from her job...

Generational Wealth, It Only Gets Better

By: Marie from PA If you believe the financial media they would lead you to believe that you need millions and millions of dollars for retirement. Let’s look back on my prior two generations and see how they did it. My grandparents were married for more than 50 years...

Two Retirement Books You Must Read – NOW

I Think A LOT About The Future of Retirement I imagine you do the same. Unfortunately for me, and maybe not for you, I was blessed(cursed) with a contrarian gene at inception. Not sure why but I've always had a need to try to poke holes in prevailing conventional...