
Health Insurance Before Medicare

“My wife is so stressed at her job but she can’t quit because of health insurance.” Oh man, if I had a nickel every time I was told something like this, I’d have a million nickels! 🙂 Look, as much as I didn’t like Obama as President, and certainly don’t like Nancy...

My Experience With Medicare Advantage

----------------------------------------- A viewer sent me this email in regards to his own experience with Medicare Advantage plans. I am not endorsing these plans or not endorsing. I’m completely agnostic. However, for those of you who were thinking MA plans are...

Federal Retirees and Medicare Part B

Got this email in response to a video I did on health insurance and Obamacre. Very interesting topic for many folks so I asked if I could share it. He said absolutely. So, if you're a soon-to-be retiree from the Federal Government you'll definitely want to read this....