

The Medical Bankruptcy Fraud

For the last 15 years we've been lead to believe that Medical Bankruptcies were so common you were only ONE SNEEZE away from declaring it yourself! Sadly, like a lot of "studies" today, it was all a fraud. (See the Eisenhower farewell address as to the reasons why...

Incoming! Capital Gain Taxes En Route!

My man Todd sent me the latest update from Vanguard for their “Preliminary estimated year-end distributions”.    There were some big surprises I must say.   What we see is a number of funds distributing well over 5% of their Net Asset Value...

Markets Are Down! You sure about that?

I posted this video yesterday where I was pondering the idea of just selling everything, paying taxes and reducing my debt. I won’t go into it here as to my thinking as I did that in the video, but suffice it to say I received many comments and emails questioning my...

Bear Market Got You Down?

By: Denise P. Let's face it, some people are more comfortable emotionally than others when it comes to the market fluctuating like the wave motion in a category 5 hurricane. Yes, everyone knows intellectually that markets go up and down, it is the nature of the...

The #1 IRA Mistake

I posted this video from a question I received about money managers.  Now, as is typical, I went off on a tangent that for the ill-informed may seem irrelevant to the question at hand.  Oh No, no, no, my friends, nothing could be further from the...

Great News On Retirement That No One Is Talking About

Check this Out: (We'll be talking about this chart and many other things Social Security related on the live stream today at noon eastern. Here's the link for the "Big" channel if you will.  And here's the link for the back up channel.  I...

Paul Volcker Did Not Solve INFLATION!!!

(Preaching and politics coming make sure you unsubscribe now!) I don't know why it bothers me so when people look to Volcker as a modern-day hero for ridding us of inflation in 1982  But it does tick me off, especially given that the inflation numbers...

Economists Refuse To See The Real Cause of Inflation

(I am about to offend someone... unsubscribe right now!  Before you get offended!  Just click the bottom of this email for the link to do this. Do it now!) I had to chuckle a bit when I read Brian Wesbury's latest bit on the Fed where he wrote:  "The...

Did The Market Decline Ruin Your Retirement Plan?

I am hearing about people delaying retirement due to the bear market.  "My probability of success has fallen!" They'll say.  Now while that's actually true, I think what they're missing is how Monte Carlo scenarios that the vast majority of financial...

Coffee Shortages Coming, Load Up NOW!

From 1975 to 1977 the price of coffee more than doubled. High coffee prices were attributed to a freeze in Brazil in 1975 which decreased crop yields. "Coffee prices can't go much higher because people won't buy it," said a grocer... You wanna bet?  "Several store...

Big Health Insurance Subsidies are Over

By Richard Kay, New Jersey Insurance brokerIs the deep subsidy over for healthcare in 2022? It looks like it.  In 2021 besides the regular subsidy everyone was getting on a sliding scale based on income there was also deeper subsidy if you collected unemployment...

I Did It! I Quit My Crappy, Old Job!

I did it!!! I gave my COJ my 2 week notice that I will be retiring and it’s all thanks to you and the great info your spread on your YouTube channel.  I will turn 61 in August. My expenses, including ACA health insurance, will be about $3000-3500/month. I have a...